GIRLS AND WOMEN Big Brother Naija’s Bisola wins ONE’S Back to School challenge – Nigerians too can win by joining the #GirlsCount

Nigerian media personality Bisola won ONE’s Back to School presentation task as part of the ONE Campaign’s #GirlsCount focusing on girls education. The #GirlsCount Campaign recognises that globally, 130 million girls are out of school and asks citizens of the world to count them, one-by-one, while urging our leaders to act. The ONE Campaign also provides a chance for all Nigerians to join the #GirlsCount campaign and win.
Bisola’s winning presentation called on Nigerian policymakers to prioritise girls’ education. As part of the collaboration between Big Brother Naija and ONE, housemates were asked to put together a presentation based on information and statistics about girls’ education in Nigeria from ONE’s Poverty is Sexist policy report. The aim of the task was to call on the Nigerian Federal and State government to prioritise girls’ education. As part of the task, housemates highlighted the barriers to girls’ education in Nigeria and presented possible solutions to ensuring every girl in Nigeria completes primary and secondary school.
All Nigerians and followers of BBNaija also have a chance to win.  Every week, one Nigerian citizen who joins the #GirlsCount campaign stands a chance to win ONE merchandise which includes: t-shirts, caps wristbands and more. To join the #GirlsCount campaign, post a video  or picture online with a message on girls education. Get creative!
Ask your friends and family to take part and help us spread the word and win. For more information logon to

Nigerian Girl Who Developed Tumour After Ant Bite Needs 1.5M For Surgery At UCH

Nancy Donald Ukaha, a 20-year-old girl with a tumour on her face, need N1.5 million for plastic surgery.

Before now, Nancy has did 2 surgeries. she is scheduled to do her last surgery, a facial reconstruction plastic surgery at University College Hospital Ibadan.

Her Brother Mr Ukaha said her issue started when she was in Gwe East in Benue State about 12 years ago.

This is what Mr Ukaha said about Nancy's Predicament:

To extending help hands to Nancy, Please contact her family on 09072711700
For donation, please use her bank account details:
Name: Nancy Donald Ukaha.
Account No: 6238623858
Bank: Fidelity Bank Plc

The Hidden Danger Of Cultism: How The Youths Are Joining Cult Groups Out Of Boredom, Peer Pressure And For Fame & Wealth

So many young people are joining cults, or gangs, at an alarming rate. Never a day goes by, somewhere, that somebody doesn’t die as a result of cult activity which is sweeping across the country.
So you join a cult: perhaps out of boredom, peer pressure or thinking you can receive fame and fortune.
All of a sudden you have a new family. The cult feeds you and looks after you and tells you what to do. Your biological family, relatives and friends all become non-entities in your life as you swear an allegiance to the cult. The cult is now your new family.
You are told to beat people up and you do it.
You are told to kill people and you do it.
You are told to rob people and you do it.
You are told to partake in blood rituals and you do it.
But what is the cult? Do you know what they really are? Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?
Let me tell you.
Some people think joining a cult is like earning a badge of honour: they’ll be respected in society and looked up to – wrong !
A cult can be described in many ways but I’ll for the settle for the simple meaning of like-minded people gathering together and this can range from harmless people sharing a common interest to people who want to practice an extreme form of religion, like Boko Haram or ISIS, to spiritual cults that turn to the occult as a means of achieving what they want.
Unfortunately the common cults or gangs around today use spiritual means to enhance their criminal activity making them very dangerous people.
Most cults follow the ideology of their leader. They outline what the cult is all about- they write the rules and the regulations. And who is to say they are right? And who is there to challenge their belief? We can all see the ideologies of warped minded leaders of Boko Haram and ISIS and the chaos they are causing.
When you join a cult you are following the wishes and desires of your leader – not yours! You are just a foot soldier who will be sent to fight and die and do all their dirty work! Do you see any of the so-called leaders going anywhere with you? No! They send you the expendable cult members. You are expendable! If you become incapacitated or die you’ll be replaced, simple as that!
To become a cult member you have to undergo an initiation which amongst other things involves partaking in blood rituals.
Whilst undergoing these rituals do you know who or what you are really swearing allegiance to? The cult? But what powers the cult? What powers, spirits or demons do they use during initiation ceremonies? Without a doubt you aren’t told what is used that is a secret the leaders keep to themselves. And what are these ‘powers’ going to do to you should you decide to leave the cult and when you finally die? You’ve all heard stories about people who try to leave the Ogboni cult for instance.
The Whiteman always says there’s no such thing as a free lunch and that you should always read the small print. You can’t reap where you haven’t sown! What is the cult not telling you? What are they hiding from you? Do you have to pass your membership on to a family member down the generations? Are they going to take your life at an early age in return for fame and fortune?
I once knew someone who joined a cult because he was looking for fame and fortune – by all means. He didn’t want to work hard. He just wanted it to materialize overnight.
The cult he joined granted him his wish and he became very famous and rich (- sorry but I can’t mention his name!) but he died mysteriously a week before his thirtieth birthday. If I could speak to him I would like to ask whether it was worth it – he was only rich for three years and leaves behind a young wife and two children under the age of ten who will never know who their father was.
Is it worth it?
Remember that the minute you join a cult your life is no longer yours anymore – you belong to the cult and the cult will use you, destroy you and recruit somebody else to fill your vacant position. You mean nothing to them – you’re just cannon fodder! What if they order you to sacrifice one of your family members? You can’t say no because you would have enjoyed the benefits of other members’ sacrifices!
And when finally you die what becomes of your soul? If you have used these demonic spirits help during your earthly life they will be waiting for you on the other side and there is no saying what they’ll do to you – and they have until eternity to punish you! And all because you wanted instant fame and fortune by any means possible by joining cults.
Think twice before you join any so-called cult.

How To Fulfil Your Destiny By Discovering Your P.A.T.H

 How To Fulfill Your Destiny By Discovering Your P.A.T.H

William Arruda  said, “What makes you unique makes you successful”. The key to success is discovering your uniqueness and significance. Socrates said, ‘’man, know thyself.’’  The secret of success lies in self-discovery. There is a PATH that has been designed for everyman.
The Bible captured this succinctly in Proverbs 4:18: “But the PATH of the just is as the shining light,  that shineth more and more unto the perfect day”. The reason why some people will never shine in life and eternity is simply because they NEVER discovered their PATH.
Every man has a path unique to him and even customized for him. The journey of life becomes adventurous and impactful only if we carefully discern and follow our PATHs. You are specifically designed for a purpose, you are not mass-produced. The only time that failure is guaranteed is when you are trying to be someone else; when you are trying to walk in another man’s path. Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
One of the most fascinating stories that supports the fact that everybody has a PATH to follow in life is that of the screen goddess and media giant, Oprah Winfrey. Oprah’s path to stardom and prominence was smeared with rejections, abuse and self-esteem struggles but she held tenaciously to her passion and path. Oprah Winfrey once said, “Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.” Born January 29, 1954, to a single mother, Oprah Winfrey could have been anything other than glowing titles she rightly deserves. Raised in poverty on a farm in Mississippi, United States, she suffered abuse and molestation, ran away from home and was sent to a juvenile home.
Oprah discovered her passion early in life; she began her broadcasting career at the age of 17 and she started hosting talk shows in 1978. The year 1984 signaled Oprah’s major breakthrough when she relocated to Chicago to host ‘A.M CHICAGO’. Under a year, the show’s rating dramatically improved and it was renamed to ‘THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW’ in September 1985. The talk-show was later named the highest-rated television program of its kind in history.
Dubbed the “Queen of All Media”, she has been ranked the richest African-American and the greatest black philanthropist in American history. Several assessments rank her as the most influential woman in the world. In 2013, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the former American President, Barack Obama. The height to which Oprah attained was not a sudden flight; it was simply because she consistently nurtured her passion, natural ability and talent. Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls”.
There is a PATH (Passion, Ability, Talent, Holy Spirit) that is peculiar to your way to stardom. People that will ultimately make maximum impact in life and eternity discover their PATHs very early in life with ardent commitment to stick with it. Your Passion, Ability, Talent and Gift coupled with the leading of the Holy Spirit are your effortless ways of blessing the world. Frederick Buechner   said, “The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and world’s deep hunger meet”.


The easiest way to find purpose is to find ‘passion’. You will rarely succeed at anything unless you have fun doing it.  John Maxwell once said, “People don’t need to follow the common path to be successful. They need to follow their passion”. Your passion is your purpose! Passion is the only effortless path to discovering your purpose. Nothing great was ever achieved without great passion. When the Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was asked about the secrets of success, he quickly responded, ‘’Find the thing you are super passionate about’’.
Your passion is your effortless way to stardom and limelight. Many people will live long and die unknown just because they never discovered the one thing that they are passionate about. Discover the one thing that you were created to be and be willing to pay the price to be it. The things that we were created to do excite us while things that we were not created to do exhaust us. Wealth eventually comes to people that make their passion their profession.
Your wealth will always come from what you enjoy doing. There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart, pursue those.  Oprah Winfrey said, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”.


Steve wonders said, “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it”. We are differently abled in something. We must nurture and grow our ability to impact the world. As a personal development coach, one of my core beliefs is that: There is no disability, people are just differently abled! Your education is important but the discovery of your areas of strong ability will take you far in life. One of Romans greatest minds, Cicero, said, “Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability”. You’ve got to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. Zig Ziglar said, “Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that we have”.


The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away. Myles Monroe said, “When you discover your gift, you find your arena of authority in life”. You could get fired from a job but you can’t get fired from a gift. Find your gift and you’ll always have work to do! In life, you will only shine in the area of your gifting and to know the right places for people, we must know their areas of gifting. Brian Tracy said, “The very best way to develop yourself is in the direction of your natural talents and interest”.
Until you discover and nurture your gifts, you will continue to travel in another man’s PATH. Wealth does not come from your job; it comes from your personal gifting. Never desert your line of talent. Be what God intended you for and you will succeed. The key to personal success is the discovering of your personal gifting. Leo Buscaglia said, “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”


People that walk with God always reach their destination. The Holy Spirit is our perfect guide in the journey to destiny fulfilment.  The Bible says in Psalm 32:8,I will guide you along the best PATHWAY for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Henry David Thoreau said, When it is time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived”. Many people are living a life that is not theirs. Our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is paramount to discovering and staying on our PATH in life. It takes the leading of the Holy Spirit to walk in the right PATH. Many people sympathetically spend the whole of their life walking in another man’s path.
A combination of your passion, ability, talent and the leading of the Holy Spirit is your unique recipe to living a productive, impactful and fulfilling life.
A fulfilled life becomes elusive without an healthy blend of these four. There is a genius inside everybody because everyone is a genius in one area of life or the other. Life major assignment is to discover that area of your gifting, talent, ability, passion and to consistently do those things that bring that gift to peak performance. Then a genius is formed!
Maya Angelou said, “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes of you”. Have you discovered your PATH? Are you sure you aren’t walking in another man’s shadow? Those that never discover their PATH in life always fall apart. They fall apart in their career, in their marital life and in their ministry.
That journey that you have started might send you into oblivion if it is not your PATH. It doesn’t matter how far you have gone! Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life”.
 “What set you apart from the rest is the discovery of your path”-

Photo Speaks: Hmm, Oyibo Family Wears Aso Ebi As Nigerian Lady, Benin Princess Marries A white Man.

The family of her English groom who came all the way to Nigeria to honour the couple surprised all the guests as they showed up in their own Aso Ebi.

Wow, so cool as the photos from the elegant wedding ceremony have been going viral on the social media in the past 24hours.

Drama As Woman Returns Stolen Manhood In Port Harcourt To Escape Jungle Justice

A security guard who helped a lady to lift her travelling bag around 6am yesterday raised alarm after he felt his manhood had been stolen.

His cry for help caught the attention of area residents of Mgbuola area of port Harcourt who order the alleged ritualist to return the stolen manhood or risk her life and right there, the security guard regained his manhood.

Mr Joshua Nte Rogers had to Narrate what he saw

What could have been a mob action today was averted in port Harcourt following quick intervention by some residents and police operatives. The Trouble started when a private security guard, attached to a gas plant behind Dominion City Church, Mgbuoba in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area raised alarmed that his manhood was missing after assisting a lady lift her traveling bag at about 6am. The Private security guard was said to have regained his manhood after concerned residents forced her to reverse her alleged action.

RMD Set to host African Film Festival in Dallas Texas

May 12, 2017

Nollywood actor Richard Mofe-Damijo has been named as the host of this year's edition of African Film Festival (TAFF).

The festival holds at the Dallas city performance Hall and will be opened to the general public from Friday June 30. It will climax on July 3 with the awards night.

According to the organisers, the three-day event will showcase films made by Africans, as well as a few made by non-Africans about issues important to different regions of the continent.

Last year, Patience Ozokwo aka Mama G, was one of Nollywood stars that was honoured with the African film Legend award at the festival.

The Problem is Not the Problem

"The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem,” so declared Captain Jack Sparrow. To Robert Schuller,...