Give What You Want to Receive.

"The universe works in mysterious ways, often paradoxically. When you give compassion, you are open to it. When you give love, love comes to you. When you give money or material possessions, your wealth increases. Whatever the focus of your generosity, the underlying assumption is abundance: there is plenty for everyone." These were the words of Nicole Urdang. Today, let's reflect on giving what you want to receive. Do you know that what you give is what you receive? Invariably, to get what you desire, give that to others. In the words of Tony Fahkry, "Giving out what you most want, comes back to you better than you imagine." Nicole Urdang captured it this way: "When you let go of possessions and money, when you bravely open your heart to love, when you bestow a kind word or smile on someone, you open unseen portals for goodness, compassion, and prosperity to flow to you... When you can really let go and assume the universe provides, you can deeply relax. This doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a big leap of faith and a lot of practice." Kahlil Gibran shared an experience: "I slept, and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke, and I saw that life is all service. I served, and I saw that service is joy.” Emphasizing the value of what we give, Arthur Ashe noted, "From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” So, enhance your capacity to give what you want to receive. In a world where everyone blames somebody for not doing even what anybody can do, nobody may be free from the adverse consequences of inaction. Wait no longer; take a step: give what you want to receive. Know, as Fahkry said, "It is a universal law that you reap what you sow. Moreover, you are a reflection of your predominant thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions. You are what you think about and receive according to your predominant thoughts." Let your actions attract your passion. Rather than wait and complain, do what will usher in what you desire. Nicole Urdang cited a typical example: "When you feel lonely, go out into the world and smile at someone, call a friend who may also be flying solo, or write a loving note, text, or email. Again, by giving what you seek, you change your energy." Therefore, if you want more love, give out an abundance of love. If you want more people to care about you, spend more time showing people you care. As you step out today, be conscious that "Like attracts like." Whatever you want in your life, focus on giving that to others. Always remember Zig Ziglar's note: "You can have everything you want in life if you will just help other people get what they want.”

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